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Bircher Muesli Recipe AKA Overnight Oats Recipe

breakfast recipe running a bed and breakfast Jun 07, 2021

It's not often that Rob comes back from a business trip and asks me to recreate something he's eaten on a plane! But this is how this recipe came to be a permanent addition to my breakfast menu.

I’m a huge porridge fan and eat it everyday for breakfast during the cooler months. We’re lucky to have the most amazing organic porridge oats here in Shropshire. Even better news these days, the latest research ( for now ) says we should all be eating full fat dairy produce. So I make our porridge with full fat milk from one of our Shropshire dairy farms.

However in the summer we prefer our homemade granola with greek yoghurt or bircher muesli, also commonly known as overnight oats these days.  In autumn and winter both the granola and bircher muesli go really well with this Spiced Roast Plum Recipe

There are loads of bircher muesli recipes out there but this one is our favourite. I’ve blogged about a bircher muesli recipe before but, as is my way, I’ve been tinkering with it. Most of my guests have never tasted it before, but try it and invariably ask me for the recipe.

The great thing about bircher muesli is that you can make it the night before and it gets better over a few days. If you really don’t have time to eat it out of the fridge in the morning. Put it in a container and take it with you. Whenever Mr B&B is working away, he takes a couple of jars with him in a cool bag and pops them in the fridge.

You can tinker with the recipe to taste. I’m trying to cut down on the sugar I add to food so now use 1/2 water and 1/2 apple juice. You can do it with all apple juice or all water or milk. My daughter soaks hers in almond milk.

Make it vegan by using any plant based “milk” and a non dairy yoghurt. And gluten free by using gluten free oats.

Another great gluten free breakfast recipe is this banana and oat pancake dish.

Bircher Muesli Ingredients

  • 1 cup of rolled oats
  • 1/2 cup of apple juice
  • 1/2 cup water
  • 1 cup of full fat greek yoghurt
  • 1 grated apple – granny smiths are perfect

Optional Ingredients

If you want to give this a real fibre boost add the following, and serve it with raspberries:

  • 2 tablespoons chia seeds
  • 2 tablespoons ground flaxseed

Bircher Muesli Method

The night before ( but it works fine if you only do it an hour before ) put the oats in a bowl and add the water and apple juice and stir well. Add in the greek yoghurt and grated apple.

I like mine with a huge bowl of strawberries and blueberries. Mr B&B prefers his with some chopped dates.

Having being so virtuous with this healthy, high fibre breakfast, you could treat yourself to this cinnamon swirl banana bread!


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